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User:GasSnake or Poison Oak

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African American comic fan considered to think outside the box by many but still has been yet to be proven fully wrong as of yet currently discussing "the dark knight" and a lot of "metal gear solid"

I have nothing to discuss with you about my personal life but that as of today I'm in college

Old info:

I actually for a second thought I could take this site but this has actually gotten kind of lame and a little to moderated where you have a limit of what can and can not be it's own page yes I know this is partly keeping the memory down. But I feel this site is becoming less and less about fan opinions and neutral facts and more and more about stricter rules not relating to foul language, putting down of others or porn.

and I will annoy you

My views on harry potter:

this has alot of spoilers for all who haven't read the books yet

The magical world it takes place in is beyond awesome it is almost as good as the star wars universe

The character and story.......LAME beyond all reason lame things used over and over again in so many mediums and not even trying to hide them. Let's go over the lame parts of harry seen in almost every fantasy(from sci-fi to D&D) stories since the start of story telling

Harry potter as a character is lame, because the the typical coming of age orphan who learns something about his dead parents and goes on a quest to stop a force that his parents where killed by, is influenced by the dark side during his journey. Still comes out of no where and saves the day and just when he's settled down an old evil presents it self again....Leaving that character open for endless tie ins and cartoons stuff like that.....boring really boring. HE SHOULD HAVE DIED AND STAYED DEAD LIKE HIS MUGGLE-BORN MOTHER. Again I like to remind you I LOVE THE UNIVERSE including the terms BUT HATE THE STORY AND CHARACTER.

The story is crap taking a coming of age orphan on a quest to stop an evil that was sealed away before but came back in one way or another. They have that "teacher"(Not literately but figuratively, so people who haven't read the book don't take the first teach harry bonds with is the "teacher" here.) who teaches him some stuff then dies. Later on the kid finds himself in a struggle of weather to be good or evil, He has the goofy but lovable friend and the brains on his side then a bunch of other smaller friend, who one or two turns out to be a traitor.All of the friends have hard past or, come from a tough life but have made it to that point. The hero almost dies in almost every fight against villains just to get saved in one way or another and "must find the power deep with in to defeat the evil *Blah blah blah*". At the end of the series when you think everything should be DONE finished just gone the hero who's now much older feels an old evil force again and it ends.......Leaving MORE AND MORE AND MORE tie ins lunch boxes and yada yada yadaImean(a term from the Californian's bay area music).....crap....pure crap.....

There you happy now, grammar has been fixed, and before you criticize me think for a second. I KNOW JK rolling messed up with grammar while writing harry potter that's why they have an EDITOR look over their mistakes before it's published. Anyway shouldn't you be giving me some constructive criticizing not "learn some grammar F**ING noob." like which parts of grammar, because grammar is considered many things from word placement to punctuations, even sentence length, and in some parts of the world spelling in general.Then I would like to state something JUST LIKE YOU, I MAKE MISTAKES and since typing/spelling is my main problem in life because of my minor case of the birth defect cerebral palsy,which I had to spell check just to spell right. You might mistakes in other fields mine is writing, don't like it I don't care but it really pisses me off when you attack me like that. I knew how to read at above a high school graduate level at the age of 15&1/2 which was over 2 years ago, so back when I first read it I could read in bettween the lines of the story and found...CRAP, let me explain what I found in detail thought.So back in 1999 when harry potter and the POA came out my principal gave it to me....I got through 5 pages and found the concept of the book stupid not because I didn't read into it all the way but because how the character development was slow , the character allowed people to push him around more then I ever would and this is the 3rd book where he should have a high degree of bad ass power, especially if he's suppose to be able on the level of a wizard(warlock if you want to get technical since warlocks are considered more evil then wizards), who if not for the power of "ancient magic of love" would have destroyed everybody from that old wizard who died(twice if you want to include the actor in real life),to the last Weasley to Hermoine's mug blood behind.